Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fruit cocktail

Hey. What are you doing tomorrow morning at exactly 6:11 a.m.? Nothing but sleeping you say?

Sweet! Then you can haul your lazy cookies outta bed and go to Human Clock and see my artful (not!) submission ... clementines and their peels, of course. (Click on the picture of the deer ... where it says "View the Clock.")

The Human Clock rocks! Basically every minute a different picture appears with the time somewhere in the picture.

I can't precisely put my finger on the reason that I'm so enamored with the Human Clock,but it's a great time waster, that's for sure.

After a couple of days of watching random times throughout the day, I knew I had to create my own submission.

Last Friday morning, I was eating my daily dozen clementines. (DISCLAIMER: For those new to RiveterGirl, you can be assured that my obsessions fade and are replaced quickly. There will be several entries about my obsession du jour, then you'll read nary a word. So the clementine phase will pass just as the Jesse James and Eddie Spaghetti phases have passed.)

Then I realized that my beauteous citrus fruit would make a great subject for my Human Clock submission.

The Human Clock dude agreed and I learned in a e-mail today that starting tomorrow, at precisely 6:11 a.m., my delicious clementines will announce the time to the world.

That was my good news for the day. The bad news is that my kitty, Bing, is not well.

He was well this morning when I left him at the vet's office to get his teeth cleaned. But 45 minutes later when the doctor called me, he was all-of-a-sudden riddled with health conditions.

Apparently during the pre-anesthesia examination, the doctor found that he had some kind of eye issue that requires me to put in a greasy ointment ($10) twice a day.

Damn greasy ointments! Cats don't like greasy ointments. I don't think dogs or people do either, really ... well, dogs probably would like greasy ointments if it tasted like cat shit.

And we just had the cat groomed on Friday, now he's gonna be all goopy. Yes, I do have to pay someone to groom my cat. Bing is not a fan (understatement) of the comb and he gets all matted and icky. So there.

But really, the eye thing is nothing compared to the fact that he potentially has hypothyroidism, an enlarged kidney, possibly an enlarged kidney and arthritis in his back legs.

Damn modern veterinary science! He was fine yesterday ... now he's a decrepit, half-dead sack o' fluff.

This primary diagnosis came after the doctor took x-rays ($60). We won't have a plan of action until the blood-work comes back from Denver ($125).

So what started out as a bad day for my cat, turned out to be an expensive and sad day for me.

Let's all take a moment and say a prayer for my atrophying bank account ... oh and my cat, too.

1 comment:

Tanuki said...

Sorry about the Bingster and congrats on the pic!

Google ads on your blog (and everyone else's) are killer...anatomy lessons one day, fresh citrus the next.