Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009: A recap odyssey

As I sit here attempting to sum up this year, 2009, I'm overcome by a few strong sensations.

First is happiness. I have two really good jobs that I really like (I never really understood that idea of working at a job that made you unhappy), a devoted husband (again never understood staying with someone who didn't make you happy), a stepson of which I'm immensely proud and a daughter who blows my socks off in oh-so-many ways.

This also extends to the fact that my mom is now living with us. But that happiness is clouded, of course, by the stupid cancer that has tried — without success, I might add — to take her down.

Honestly, my mom's illness, coming on the heels of my dad's death two years ago, was initially devastating. I remember crying on the phone to my brother and asking, "Why is this happening to us?"

I now realize that sometimes sucky things just happen. You can either sit back and let the sucky things make your life suck or pick yourself up and get busy living.

And that's just what we did.

I wanted to include a few pictures from 2009 showing the places we visited and that stuff we did, but it turns out we had a really kick-booty year. I had a hard time narrowing it down. So without further ado, here's a kajillionty photos I'd like to title:

The stuff we done did in 2009

We climbed Mt. Garfield.

2009-03 on mt garfield.jpg

Skied at Powderhorn.

2009-03 skiing.jpg

We celebrated Easter with my co-workers here at The Daily Sentinel.

2009-04 easter.jpg

My band, Riveter, opened for Bret Michaels.

2009-04 Riv BM.jpg

I saw my beloved stepson, Sean, graduate from Palisade High School.

2009-05 Sean grad.jpg

We hiked to Hanging Lake near Glenwood Springs.

2009-06 Hanging lake.jpg

Saw my daughter turn 9 years old.

2009-06 mar birthday.jpg

We stood on the Four Corners Monument.

2009-07 4 corners.jpg

Visited the Pacific Ocean near San Francisco.

2009-07 beach.jpg

Climbed the ancient steps to the cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde.

2009-07 Mesa Verde.jpg

Bill and I got to see our president speak on health care reform.

2009-8 Obama.jpg

Took a motorcycle ride through scenic Gateway Canyon.

2009-9 Gateway.jpg

Visited the museums of our nation's capitol.

2009-10 DC.jpg

And I started the long and painful journey of getting a giant tattoo on my back.

2009-12 tattoo.jpg

Phew! Just thinking about it makes me exhausted ... and excited to see what 2010 has in store.

Happy New Year to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!