Friday, January 06, 2006

Hoo-hoo dilly

I once read a quote that has stuck with me. It goes something like this:

Argue for your limitations and you're sure to achieve them.

Of course I can't remember it exactly because I'm more of an "ish" girl.

Recently at band practice, I was asked what chord I was playing. I replied, "B-ish." Meaning that it could have been B or B flat or some other chord in that general neck of the woods.

Close enough is good enough for me. Yeah, I'm eternally playing hand grenades.

Since I don't want to always be arguing my limitations, I have decided to cut myself a break from time to time and suggest some things at which I don't suck.

OK, so here is goes. I will now make a positive affirmation:

I'm really good at ... playing board games.

There I said it. I'm good at games.

Last night our friends, R and T came over for an evening of game playing. We played Operation. We played Clue. We played RIFF . We played Curses — if you don't know Curses, check it out. It's a totally silly games that has you slapping yourself in the face, talking like Elmer Fudd and crying like a baby — yeah, good times.

I didn't win them all, but I played hard and I played well.

Oh and just so you know, if you're playing a trivia game, you want me on your team ... unless it's an all geography and geometry trivia game, then I'd rather scoop my eye out with an orange peeler than play.

But for the most part, I'll play any game, any time. New Year's Eve saw several of us hard-partying fools playing Risk right up to the ball drop.

Who says I don't know how to party like a rock star?

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