Thursday, September 14, 2006

Music to my ears

Old MacDonald never sounded so good.

It might be all slow and stilted with some awkward pauses, but that children's standard seems like a symphony as it comes from Margaret's fingers.

Yes, her piano lessons are going swimmingly.

We're still working on fitting her lesson into our hectic daily routine, but once she gets going, she smiles with pride after she completes each song.

She plays deliberately and will pause until she's sure which key is the correct one, as she hates making mistakes.

I love Wednesday afternoons. I sit on the edge of my seat while I watch Margaret play for her instructor. Yesterday saw Mar playing her first duet along side her teacher.

The hardest part for me is being passive. I'm like a coiled spring the entire lesson. I want to encourage her and remind her of answers that I know she knows.

But I don't. Instead I sit, pretending to read, when really I'm watching my little nut make her first foray into the world of music.

I'm so happy for Margaret that she's finding success with this daunting instrument and I also happy for me in that I'm learning a bit of self-control (finally).

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