Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wish list

Margaret didn't make a Christmas wish list this year and she didn't visit Santa at the mall. Whenever someone would ask her what she wanted Santa to bring her, she would reply, "Whatever he brings will be fine with me."

I thought this strange since she's happy to tell me on a daily basis all the things that she simply cannot live without. But she's a bit of a strange kid, so I didn't think much of it.

After Christmas Bill asked her if she'd received everything that she was hoping to get. She said yes and then revealed that she didn't want to ask Santa for anything this year because she didn't think that she was good enough to deserve anything.

Man, kids ... they really know how to sock it to their parents.

Since then, Mar and I have talked a lot about the choices one makes and how controlling one's behavior is so very important and that regardless her dad and I think she's the best kid we could've hoped for.

OK, now that I'm done with the sap for the day, here's a couple of stories that are in direct opposition to Mar's Christmas wish list story. Click here (The January 5 and 9th entries). Really click the link, there's a story about a kid who asked for cheese — sounds like my husband's wish list.

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