Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gramma driver

My mom has this way of driving where it doesn't matter if she's accelerating or not, but it always seems like you're slowing down.

To say she's a conservative driver is a big understatement so I was not at all surprised to have this conversation with Bill yesterday an hour after he and my mom had left for their trip to California.

Me: Where are you guys?

Bill: Well, your mom forgot she had to get gas so we had to stop at Sam's Club.

Bill: Then she forgot she wanted to take her shoes off, so we had to stop so she could take her shoes off.

Bill: Then she forgot she wanted to take her coat off, so we had to stop so she could take her coat off.

Me: Ha-ha.

Bill: So we're just outside of Fruita. And I forgot I wanted to take my pants off so we're going to have to stop for that shortly ...

Plus, she's insisting that they not drive over 65 mph ... for some gramma reason that I don't understand.

And don't think that Bill will be able to drive faster while she sleeps because on our trip from California to Colorado when I was just out of high school, any time I went over 70 she'd wake up enough to say, "SLOW DOWN."

She has some sort of internal speedometer. It's a little scary.

1 comment:

KatBouska said...

Hi, I just stumbled into your blog via dooce and your cracking me up! My Mom drives extremely conservative as well. She slams on her brakes when a car enters her lane even if it's like a mile down the road. She as blind as a bat...really probably not safe at all for her to be on the road. Consider that your warning. :)