Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Fruita Fat Tire Festival 2007

Like I said Friday, my band played the Fruita Fat Tire Festival last year and we had a great time, so we were looking forward to playing it again this year.

We had such a good time last year that I was afraid that this year would pale in comparison.

There was not reason for worry. We had a really fun time. The weather was gorgeous (last year was really windy and cold) and the crowd ... let's just say that despite our fears that last year was a fluke, the crowd had a great time.

So did we. Check out these pictures:
And the best part was these guys came back again this year:
They have special t-shirts made for each year and are happy to give us more cowbell. These cyclists are a super fun time and they even gave me one of their t-shirts which I'm wearing in these pictures but I wasn't smart enough to get a picture of it. Also one of their guys, who couldn't make it this year, is now nicknamed Ham Pants after our ever-endearing song about lucious rumps. How awesome is that?

Now there's a dog AND a guy named Ham Pants! Sweet!

We kept calling them the mustache guys because of their t-shirts from last year (I'll take a picture of the t-shirt at home during my lunch hour — it's so not appropriate for children or those who have a sense of decency, but it's funny). Next year I'm going to learn their names.

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