Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Going to the bathroom is one of those things best left done alone.

That is not a possibility when you work in a large office with one primary bathroom.

That ladies room at my office has four stalls.

Basic bathroom etiquette (that most people are able to figure out for themselves) states that when you are the first one in the bathroom, you select one of the stalls on the end. Then if someone else comes along, then they can easily select a stall that allows for at least a one-stall buffer.

That buffer is essential to maintaining the charade that you are still alone even though someone else is in the bathroom with you.

For the most part, the women in my office get this and all is well.

Today, however, I witnessed a breach of etiquette that I had never encountered before.

I walked into the bathroom to find that someone was already in stall number two. I followed the aforementioned etiquette and entered stall four.

Moments later, I heard the unmistakable sound of a cell phone ringing.

Then I heard the occupant of stall two answer the phone, mumble a few sentences then ask, "Can I call you back?"

'the hell?

This person answered her cell phone while still sitting on the can.

How can anyone in good conscience do such a thing?


Anonymous said...

at least she wasn't (I hope) ordering lunch.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet it was a sales person. They throw all ettiquete aside for the almight dollar.

marija said...

i think i came across this girl once, but she talked the entire time so maybe it was someone else.