Monday, March 27, 2006


I was going to save this post for Tuesday, as I just posted a quick blurb for Monday below. But this is too funny to save. So here is tomorrow's post today:

I've written about how important my friends are and how lucky I am to be surrounded with people that I truly love.

But man, they are frickin' her-larious (a Mar-ism).

Saturday was a day of recovery. Saturday evening was an evening of pure, unadulterated silliness.

It started out adult enough: We went out to eat with Markel and Special K (who promises she'll update soon). We ate lots o' meat — like the carnivores that we are.

Then we came back to Chez Dorkus and the silliness ensued.

First we did Mad Libs (if you click here, you can play online). We hurt ourselves laughing.

If we are at all lucky, Special K will blog some our of Mad Lib stories. (Markel, please pressure K into giving us some transcripts. Everyone should get the joy of hearing about jerking intestines.)

Then we took some pictures with the cool dilation sunglasses:Yeah, Markel and I look cool, but Special K rocks the house here:

1 comment:

Tanuki said...

It's the hottest invitation to a gay wedding ever!

I promise to make the hand bills look as cool!

We had great fun...spontaneity is important. I'll make sure Special K gets the memo about posting the mad libs we did. She's going to start blogging again this week...maybe even today.