Thursday, March 09, 2006

Yoga for pets

I skipped yoga Tuesday so I could hang with my mom and dad. In an attempt to stave off a case of the crankies, I practiced yoga by myself last night after everyone went to bed.

It was really beneficial except for the fact that a quiet house and a girl sitting on a yoga mat is apparently irresistible for our four-legged housemates.

I was sitting in padmasana (pictured here) with my eyes closed.

When I opened my eyes I found a dog face staring at me.

Quincy was sitting right in front of me with her pointy little doggie snout as close to me as dogly possible without actually touching me.

I shooed her away and continued with my practice. It was quite a challenge in that two of my cats then became eager to join me as well.

They would sit on the mat, rub up against me and generally get in the way. But they were only trying to affectionate so I tried to stay focused and work around them.

Now when I want a cat to pet, they are nowhere to be found. Pet irony, I guess.

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