Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Get out the Purell

Dear Strep Throat,

Since I don't know you personally, I hate to judge, but really, what is with infecting little kids with your bad self?

I mean, my, normally robust kid is now a steaming hot, grayish dish rag who barks like a seal. And our family doctor says that it's most likely (and we'll know for sure in a couple of days) ALL. YOUR. FAULT.

So, now I'm pretty pissed at you and suggest that you stay the hell away from my family in the future lest you get an ass stompin' by yours truly.

Oh, and just so you know, that pink stuff my kids has been guzzeling down twice a day ... yeah, that's antibiotics and it's gonna encourage you to move your sorry ass out of her tonsils. We're not messing around.

Your kind is not welcome here.


One tired mama

1 comment:

Tanuki said...

Yuck. Hope you guys defeat the germs. We'll be seeing you in a few weeks once you're properly decontaminated. We childless folk don't have your defences.