Friday, April 07, 2006


Today is the 6th anniversary of day that my dearest Uber-husband ignored common sense and married me.

I'm lucky he did.

I can be ... uh, how do I put this ... a bit tough to take.

I know I'm such a ray of sunshine it's hard to believe I have a dark side, but it's true. Just ask the Verizon guy from whom we just bought our new cell phones or the entire service department of the local Chevrolet dealer.

Yeah, I've got issues. But I try to work on them.

When I met Bill those 7 years ago, my life was katywampis to say the least. I wasn't interested in ever getting married again; really I just wanted to have fun.

One thing is for certain, Bill is fun. We laugh together everyday. He's a wonderful person to spent time with — and I'm lucky enough to get to share my life with him.

This last year was a very difficult one for both of us. Honestly, at one point I wasn't sure how things were going to end up, but as a testament to the power of love and laughter, here we are celebrating 6 years of weddedness.

The 6th is the iron wedding anniversary. Iron: robust, strong, sturdy ... perfect.


Tanuki said...

Happy Anniversary! We'll party tonight. Cake shots - wooHoo!

Rivetergirl said...

Thanks!! It's gonna be fun! CAKE SHOTS rule!