Thursday, April 13, 2006


Parenting is hard, mmmKay?

I never know if what I am doing is right. I look at the other moms I know and they do things way differently with all the nurturing and spending time with their kids and junk like that.

Sometimes my kid acts crazy and I feel unworthy. But then I realize that sometimes I act crazy, so maybe she's just human — we're still waiting on the test results.

So for however much I don't know about parenting, I do know that we have gotten a couple of things right.

Tuesday while shopping for some new clothes for Mar, she stopped me to tell me that her kindergarden teacher told her that she was the best reader in her class and that she was going to start getting harder books to read.I almost cried standing in the middle of the girls section in Target. I am so proud of her. I'm such a lucky mom.

And as significant as her reading is, it's nothing compared to her sense of humor.

After shopping, we had to stop by my office. We headed upstairs to say hello to the folks in the newsroom who work in the evenings.

Mar knows several of the reporters and copy editors and enjoys getting teased and teasing back.

At one point she began calling one of my co-workers all sorts of crazy things to the delight of those in earshot.

After making one too many potty jokes I knew it was time to take our leave.

As we got in the car, Wee One asked, "Was I funny?"

Was she funny? The fact that a 5-year-old is concerned with being funny to a group of adults is amazing to me.

We then discussed the power of the potty joke and that it's always good to leave 'em wanting more.

Smart and funny ... yep, she's a great kid.

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