Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Watch your hands

My kid has become obsessed with my ... uh, boobs, fun sacks, mammaries ... my breasts (there I said it).

I'm not sure what brought this on and I'm not sure how to deflect this sudden interest.

She told Bill that she thinks they are like the softest pillows and she loves laying her head on them.

She has also become very intrigued with the fact that she used to be fed from them. When I'm not paying attention, she'll pretend to nurse. When I realize what she's doing, I try (and fail) to be nonchalant.

But she knows I don't like it.

She's smart ... too smart. She recognizes my discomfort and preys on it.

The other day she asked if she could try to drink from them, "just to see if there was any milk left."

Yeah, go ahead and laugh. But this is just one example of how I am outwitted by a 5-year-old on a daily basis.

I don't want to make a big deal out of it because I know she's just curious. But I'm miserable at being matter of fact about such things (as demonstrated by the very first entry in the blog way back in January).

Before I had kids, I knew exactly how I was going deal with such things. Now I realize that I didn't (and still don't) know squat about dealing with these more delicate situations.

I think I need tutor.

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