Thursday, July 20, 2006

Good ideas

This guy, Kyle MacDonald, came up with a good idea ... and it totally worked out for him.

He wanted a house and he decided that instead of doing like the rest of us saps, and paying money for one, he'd trade stuff for a house.

It seems wacky, huh? I mean, who trades stuff for houses? Well, Kyle MacDonald did.

He started with one red paperclip and he traded it for a pen shaped like a fish. Then he traded the fish pen for something else and on and on until he ended up with a movie role which he was able to trade for a house.

That's what I call a good idea. I wanna get me one of those ... a good idea. Not sure how you get a good idea, but I've come up with some great bad ideas before.

Bad ideas come to me like ... something that comes easy (yeah, I tried to work up a humorous analogy, but all I could come up with was "a fat man carrying a watermelon" and that just didn't seem to make sense). I think I just prefer the bad ideas; like tying the dog's leash to Margaret's little 2-year-old arm so she could "walk" the dog — that took hardly any effort at all.

That Kyle guy's next good idea should to hold a seminar on how to come up with good ideas. Oh, or even better, he could start a good-idea cult and I could quit my job and follow him around while he has his good ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.