Friday, November 23, 2007

The giving season

We had a very good Thanksgiving.

This is what I'm thankful for:

I'm thankful that even though I couldn't be with my family, I have wonderful friends with which to spend the holiday. I'm thankful that these group of great people treat my daughter with such love that she knows what it feels like to be with family.

I'm thankful for my loving husband who does so much to enrich my life without ever expecting anything in return and for the fact that he makes me laugh every day — even if I don't want to.

I'm thankful for having a job that I love even when I have to work on the day after Thanksgiving.

And I'm thankful for the Internets who provide me with so much daily fodder. And here, dear Internets, is a way to do something good while you wasting time: Here's an addicting vocabulary game — every time you get a word right, they donate rice to help end world hunger. And it's legit ... I checked it out on

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