Friday, August 11, 2006

Daughter knows best

It seemed like teaching Margaret to read was a good thing.

OK maybe it is, but it's given her so much power.

Yesterday when I got home from work, I threw on a tank and a pair of shorts and went out to wash our very dirty car (now our car is often very dirty, but recently it was coated with a very-sticky, yellow, granular substance that was sprayed all over the parking lot at my work from the fish-food manufacturing plant across the street — and let me tell you, as messy as their explusions are, the smell is even worse).

Mar and Bill helped me try to get the car clean (I noticed this morning that the windows are still all stickied up with fish goo). Afterward we were hanging out in the front yard.

Mar noticed the t-shirt I was wearing and read it aloud:
"Chicks kick ... ass? Does that say, 'Ass'?"

When I told her that my shirt did indeed say "ass," she promptly told me, "You should not wear that shirt around the neighborhood. You are setting a bad example for the kids."

I was equally horrified and delighted by her comments.

Being told that you are a bad example by your 6-year-old child is more than a bit disconcerting. And I was hoping that she wouldn't figure this out until she was at least 8.

But on the other hand, I love that she has the presense of mind to not only recognize that moms shouldn't be a display case of profanities but that I should have the decency to remedy the sitution ... which I eventually did.

I hate it when my kid knows better than I do.

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