Monday, August 14, 2006

Uncle Tom's Cabin

We have the good fortune to have friends with neat stuff.

Neat stuff like this cabin about an hour out of town, up on Grand Mesa:
This is where we spent our weekend. It was glorious.
It rained and the wind blew at night and was warm (not hot) and sunny during most of the day. I sat on that porch for a good portion of Saturday afternoon while Bill helped our friend, Tom, cut wood for the winter.

Margaret, who Tom nicknamed Midge, learned how to cut up a salad. I was under strict orders to only supervise the knife usage, but to let Midge to the actual work — which was hard work for this slightly neurotic mom (yeah OK, perhaps the correct modifier should be "desperately pathetic and completely neurotic" but I'm gonna cut myself some slack this Monday morning).
We hiked down to the creek a couple of times.

Midge loved walking along the rocks and trying to dam up the falls. I loved sitting my sorry ass on a warm rock and reading my book (I read this crazy memoir and really enjoyed it).
Bill caught a fish.

I would have gotten a better picture but the darn fishy couldn't keep its gills shut for half a second while I zoomed in and flopped out of Bill's hand.And we saw more different varieties of mushrooms than I've ever seen anywhere before. I took a bunch of pictures and I am hoping to identify them.

I need a good mushroom book.

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