Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Google Girl and the Flaming Carrot

Google girl: whatcha doin?
Me: feelin' all good about myself, the job I did this week while (my co-worker) was gone and being happy that I have a good jump on weekend pages. (I'm so smug here I could smack myself — I still might.)
GG: good for you'
Me: How about you?
GG: looking at people who dress up like carrots
Me: fer reals?
GG: that makes me laugh just typing it
Me: yeah
GG: wanna see
Me: um yes!
GG: k
GG: http://www.flamingcarrot.com/FC/FanGallery/FCcostumes.html
GG: i'd make a great character on the office*
GG: the girl who always is googling stuff

Me: yep and is totally funny
GG: what the hell is this website and why do they like to dress up like carrots?
Me: and they don't dress their wholeselves up, just their heads.
GG:i know
Me: that kind of freaks me out
GG: i really don't understand
GG: there's no explanation except that people have been doing it since the eighties

GG: is it a band tribute????

Me: uh, i dunno
GG: me either
GG:they make action figures too

That was the iChat conversation I had with one of my most favorite people and co-workers last week. She googled "pictures of carrots" and was led to the land of the Flaming Carrot.

After our extensive research, we learned that the Flaming Carrot — despite the vigorous assertions by another co-worker that the Flaming Carrot is some sort of homosexual avatar — is a surrealistic comic-book hero.

I never learned what about the carrot-headed dude made him special. I also could never get over the fact that he was a regular guy except for a giant carrot head and flippered feet. But I did learn how to make a Flaming Carrot costume.

If I cared more and had less of a life, I'd totally make this costume ... because, like the Web page says, "Flaming Carrot gets allllll the ladies."

*That's a reference to the American TV show, "The Office." Google Girl doesn't actually watch the show as she finds the situations and characters too similar to events and people that work in our office.

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