Wednesday, August 09, 2006

All for yoga and yoga for all

I've been known to do yoga at home.

I've taken a bunch of classes and have a couple of books. I like to get up early sometimes (my alarm is set early so I have time for some sun salutations, but I rarely actually drag my sorry bag of bones out of bed and do it), but I often practice before I go to bed (and I always sleep better when I do).

Rarely do I practice yoga during the day or when Mar's around — not for any reason other than the house is quiet only when the kid is asleep.

So I find it remarkable that Margaret has taken such a strong interest in doing yoga herself.

Yesterday, I came home from work to find this:
She had the yoga book with all the pictures out and spent the afternoon going through all the poses — all by herself.

This isn't her first foray into yoga by herself, I wonder what motivates her to seek out the therapeutic benefits of this practice. Regardless, I guess it's time to find a mommy and me yoga class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crossroads has one but check the schedule as I'm sure it's changing since school is starting.